Dishu Parmarth Balika Vidyalaya Samiti Foundation of India, established on 2 May 2008, has established its headquarters in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh state of India and is solely dedicated to improving the lives of Indian citizens with disabilities and those living below the poverty line. Since its inception, Dishu Parmarth Balika Vidyalaya Samiti works as a non political and non profit organization social welfare humanity welfare of women welfare of handicapped persons and wonder for orphan and poor children education and health...
I am Ramgopal Singh
Dishu Parmarth Balika Vidyalaya Samiti is the proud organizer of the Ujjwal Kal Abhiyan for every child. Our NGO in the field of child welfare has been a ray of hope for orphans and children living in poverty and is working tirelessly towards a future where every Children should get a chance to learn and nurture their dreams.
( Manager )
Environment / Tree Plantation
Rural Development
Women Empowerment
Medical Assistance